Activities and needs supported by the PCCW
Spiritual Adoption
Spaghetti Dinner
Sponsor a meal at the Marysville Senior Center
Provide Bereavement Dinners
Christmas Dinner
Donuts on the first Sunday of the Month
Gifts – Newborn, First Communion, Confirmation, Graduates, Fathers Day
Support 40 hours parish celebration
Support Share the Blessing Cupboard
Provide Soup/Sandwiches on Friday PM after Stations of the Cross during Lent
Support One Call Now
Prayer books for church (In progress)
Letters to Prisoners Pen Pal Program
Card Ministry
Prayers for those in Need / Prayer Chain
Support Angel Tree with Join Hands Ministry
Thanksgiving boxes
Support Cross Catholic Outreach Christmas Boxes
Support The Cookie Sale to Combat World Hunger
Masses from PCCW to OLGC families
Parish Picnic
Bingo kitchen