When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people,
and Christ, present in his word, proclaims the Gospel.
General Instruction of the Roman Missal No. 29
The proclamation of the Word of God is truly a service to the Church. Lectors bring the living Word of God to the liturgical assembly. The ministry of the Word should, therefore, be treated seriously and with great dignity. (GIRM 55)
The Word of God is not merely read during the liturgy. It is proclaimed, yet not with theatrical show. Effective proclamation involves the delivery of the message with clarity, conviction, and appropriate pace. It demands the ability to evoke faith in others by demonstrating one’s own faith. Proclamation is a special ministry that presupposes faith. It also rouses faith in those who hear the Word proclaimed. (LM Intro 55)
If you feel called to share your talents as a Lector for Our Lady of Good Counsel, please fill out the contact form below.