GREAT LAKES SCRIP/GIANT gift card sale program is an ongoing fundraiser to support our parish.  This is FREE MONEY to our parish. The parish purchases these cards at a discount and we sell to you at face value. We earn on average 5% for the parish on every card we sell.

These are retailers that we all patronize every day. We all need to buy gas (GIANT, SHEETZ, SHELL). We all need to eat (GIANTRED LOBSTER, CRACKER BARREL, WALMART, WENDYS, DAIRY QUEEN AND so many more) We all wear clothes (WALMART, KOHLS, MACY) Many of us hunt and fish (DICKS, CABELAS, BASS PRO).

We have approximately ten families who on a regular basis purchase the scrip cards or GIANT gift cards. We have over the last 10 years averaged $2500.00 to $3000.00 in yearly profit. If every family would by ONE $50.00 gift card every week, we would see a profit of $250.00 a week or 13,000.00 a year of FREE MONEY! Pray about it!

Any questions please contact Bernie Danko 717-834-5701 or We are also available at both masses every weekend selling in the front vestibule of the church.


GIANT Gift Cards are available in $25.00,$50.00,$100.00,$200.00 and $300.00 denominations.

Gift cards are for sale after all weekend masses in the front vestibule of the church.

Please make checks payable to St. Bernadette Parish. Please do not place in collection.

Any questions please call Bernie Danko 717-834-5701 or

What are Scrip Gift Cards?
Shop with gift cards in everyday categories including groceries, gas, restaurants and more. Earnings that Add Up
A percentage of each gift card purchased goes directly to our parish!
Fundraising Made Easy.

Orders are taken once a month and delivered the following weekend after all masses.

Please make checks payable to St. Bernadette Parish, with payment needed at time of order. Please do not place in collection.
Any questions please call Bernie Danko 717-834-5701 or

Please CLICK HERE for order form.

Please CLICK HERE for Sale and Delivery dates.

For a list of all available gift cards please visit Shop With Scrip.